Water Meter Replacement Program
About the Program:
In 2001 Sudbury Water District initiated a comprehensive water meter replacement program. The purpose of this program is to improve the efficiency of meter reading and water billing to increase the quality of customer service by eliminating the need for estimated bills.
The replacement of meters is required due to their age and serviceability. Water meters and their registers often lose accuracy as they age; therefore, they must be replaced every 15 to 20 years.
In most cases, meter change-out is a simple procedure that will require about an hour or less. The new system includes automatic meter reading technology that saves labor time, prevents recording errors, eliminates estimated readings, and minimizes the need for personnel to go on the property. The new E-Coder type meter provides the ability to detect if a leak is occurring in your plumbing system. For example, leaks often occur in toilets without your knowledge resulting in high water bills.
How They Work:
The new water meter operates the same as the old meter. The water meter has a wireless device that transmits the meter readings on a licensed radio frequency over a short distance to a handheld or mobile device. Readings are collected once per quarter (billing cycle) by mobile (drive-by) meter reading. This technology has improved the efficiency of the meter reading program.
When your water meter is set to be replaced, you will receive a letter from the District requesting a meter replacement appointment or during property ownership transfers.
What to Expect:
During this appointment, a Water Technician will visit your home to replace the water meter, free of charge. Each appointment takes about 30 minutes to complete, during which the water will be shut off for about 15 minutes. Appointments may be scheduled between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Sudbury Water District sincerely appreciates your help in making this project a success. For questions about the District’s Water Meter Replacement Program, please contact our administration office at (978) 443-6602 or read the related Frequently Asked Questions listed below.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Why is my water meter being replaced?
A: The water meters have reached the end of their useful lives. Water meters often lose accuracy as they age, resulting in incorrect billing and non-revenue water loss. The new meters have an expected 20-year battery life.
Q: What is the cost to have my water meter replaced?
A: The water meters are being replaced at no charge to the homeowner.
Q: How long will it take to replace the water meter?
A: Normal meter installation time is about 30 minutes, during which the water will be shut off for about 15 minutes.
Q: Do I need to be home for the meter replacement?
A: Yes. Water meters are located inside, typically in a basement or utility area. Someone 18 years or older must be home during the appointment.
Q: What is my responsibility as a homeowner?
A: District regulation states that it is the homeowner’s responsibility to maintain the water pipes and valves within their homes.
Q: What is required for replacement of the water meter?
A: Water District personnel will need space around the meter to perform the work, and access to the shut-off valves.
Kindly Note:
No obstruction or storage of other materials shall prevent access to the meter its associated valves. Two-feet of working clearance is typically needed allowing for routine maintenance and inspection. Permanent structures or enclosure in front of or around the meter and valves is prohibited. It is solely the homeowner’s responsibility, expense and undertaking to disassemble or modify any obstruction preventing access.
Persons allowing their meter to be damaged by frost or otherwise will be responsible and therefore charged for costs associated and assessed by the District for repairs or replacement.