The applicant will be electronically mailed the appointment confirmation, payoff amount and payoff instructions.
Security Code:
security code
Please enter the security code:



  • Tuesdays and Thursdays only.
  • Appointments are available on-the-hour from 8 am-3 pm.
  • Please use our booking calendar to select your appointment day and time.

Appointments are scheduled 5-7 days prior to the settlement (closing) day however, it is the discretion of the applicant to select a date that reasonably accommodates the interest of both the selling and purchasing parties. We recommend that you consult with your closing attorney prior to choosing a final meter reading date. Keep in mind that final meter readings are only scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Yes, if you cannot be there yourself you’ll need to make arrangements to have a representative (over the age of 18) on-site during the appointment. We need to access the inside of your home to inspect the meter, upgrade the model (if necessary) and record the final meter reading.

Familiarize yourself with the meter location and confirm that access to the water meter, first valve, pressure reducing valve, and second valve are accessible for routine maintenance and equipment upgrades.

Most water meters are located in the basement set along the foundation wall where the water line comes into the property. In the case of a slab foundation, the meter may be in a bedroom closet or utility closet. Although rare, if the dwelling is set-back exceptionally far from the street the meter may be located in an underground vault (pit) near to the street connection and would only be accessible by a District staff member.

We use two different style meters registers, a 9-digit LCD display register with a solar panel or a traditional six-wheel analog register. Depending on the age of your home or our last maintenance visit you will have one or the other:

Typically about 15-30 minutes, depending on whether the meter needs to be upgraded to a newer model (free).

Once the bill is processed, a customer service representative will email the person that completed the final meter reading application the payoff amount and reminder instructions on how and where to make your payment (Certified/Bank Check, Money Order, or Cash only). The payoff amount includes a $50.00 processing fee.

  • HOW:
    Payment may be made in-person by Certified Check, Money Order or Cash.  A paid receipt will be provided to you for settlement upon receiving payment in full.
    Monday-Thursday 8 am-4 pm
    Friday 8 am – 1 pm
  • WHERE:
    Sudbury Water District Administration Building
    199 Raymond Road
    Sudbury, MA 01776

A paid receipt will be provided to you when your  payment is received, in full.

Certified/Bank Checks, Money Orders, or Cash (only). Checks issued by IOLTA, personal checks, or credit/debit cards are not accepted.

Although radio readings are a fast and convenient way to record your quarterly meter readings when a property is being conveyed an on-site visit is required allowing us to inspect the meter and associate valves.

Yes. A final meter reading/inspection is required for a relocation.