Download Leak Abatement Policy

Download Leak Abatement Application

A water taker may challenge billed usage upon discovery of a leak. The water taker shall complete and submit a Leak Abatement Application together with  supporting documentation (i.e., invoice for services rendered, receipt for materials purchased) by a Massachusetts licensed plumber or lawn irrigation surveyor. Self-repair (DIY) is subject to the discretion of the Executive Director.

The Executive Director will consider all reasonable abatement request under the following terms and conditions:

  • Questionable usage is approximately 100 percent higher than that of the average use. Average usage is established by the same-three-preceding-quarterly-periods.
  • The applicant has presented supporting documentation including but not limited to the cause and location of the leak together with proof of repair. Household plumbing repairs require required to be performed by a Massachusetts licensed plumber, lawn irrigation repairs are required to be performed by a lawn irrigation surveyor unless self-repair (DIY) is approved by the Executive Director.
  • Upon receiving abatement approval as determined by the Executive Director or Board of Water Commissioners water usage will be recalculated:
  • Average use (established by the same-three-preceding-quarterly-periods) calculated at  current tiered rate structure.
  • Gallons exceeding 100 percent above average use shall be calculated at Tier 1 rate.

 Rate adjustment is allowable one-time only | Abatement is limited to one-billing quarter 

Denial is without prejudice to reconsideration. Upon establishing that criteria stipulated by the terms and conditions of this policy are satisfied, the applicant may submit a request for an appeal to the Board of Water Commissioners.

Direct all leak abatement application submittals by:


Sudbury Water District
P.O. Box 111
Sudbury, MA 01776


Hand Delivery:
Sudbury Water District
Administration Building
199 Raymond Road
Sudbury, MA 01776