Connection to the new water main on Nobscot Road at Mahoney Farms (30 Nobscot Road) and Grouse Hill (32 Old Framingham Road) will occur today. Water service at these locations will be temporarily interrupted during the approximate hours of 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Connection to the new water main on Nobscot Road at South Meadow Drive will occurring today. Water service at this location will be temporarily interrupted during the approximate hours of 11 am – 3 pm.
Upon restoring service those in close proximity to this quadrant of town may experience fluctuating pressure (air in pipes) or discolored water (mineral sediment lifting from the bottom of the pipes and traveling with the water-flow inside the main.) Running a cold tap briefly (after 3 p.m. today, Tuesday, June 10) will assist in clearing your service line of air and minerals. Conditions are expected to improve overnight.
Local vehicular and pedestrian traffic will be maintained throughout the duration of the water main construction activities. Vehicles using the street as a “cut-through” may be directed to use alternative routes during the construction to lessen traffic and expedite the construction work. School buses as well as emergency vehicles will be allowed access during construction.
Access to driveways will be maintained. If a driveway is blocked for a short period of time (usually less than 4 hours) the contractor will attempt to contact the affected resident to coordinate and minimize inconveniences.
Every effort will be made to minimize impact, questions or concerns may be addressed by contacting our business office (978) 443-6602.
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